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Hymmnn and Hum Bom!

Bono, poet Juan Felipe Herrera, and a chorus of religious practitioners explore the power of ritual to control and soothe in two of Ginsberg’s most affecting religious poems.

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Read the Poem

Hymmnn and Hum Bom!

Hymmnn [from Kaddish]

In the world which He has created according to his will Blessed Praised

Magnified Lauded Exalted the Name of the Holy One Blessed is He!

In the house in Newark Blessed is He! In the madhouse Blessed is He! In the

house of Death Blessed is He!

Blessed be He in homosexuality! Blessed be He in Paranoia! Blessed be He in

the city! Blessed be He in the Book!



Copyright © Allen Ginsberg LLC, used by permission of The Wylie Agency LLC

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